Wednesday, October 7, 2020

From 16 June 2020, lost and forgotten, Finally posted in October!

The last time I got out of the house, well, out of the compound, was 8 March for Church. We had a normally busy week planned, and then the husband and #2 Son were going to go hike Mt Kenya. The night they left our house for a scout's house closer to the 6am drop off point, we'd heard about one case of Coronavirus COVID-19 in Kenya. That week-end the kids had ballet and rehearsals for the planned up-coming ballet production of Peter Pan. But, because I have an 18 yr old, he walked them down to the rehearsal, and back, about 2km each way.
My busy week wasn't quite as busy as I'd thought it would be as my youngest and I had gotten a cold and had missed all our fun activities for the week. We were both feeling a little better but still coughing on Sunday the 15th  so we stayed home from church. And then that evening the government here closed all the schools in the country, and locked down the airports. And that was that. When the husband and the son returned from Mt Kenya, exhilarated, and exhausted, we shifted to a new normal of dad home all the time. 
But little else has changed for us. The kids still have ballet multiple times a week, it's just online now, not in person. The homeschool group that three of our kids have been attending for three years is on hiatus, as is Angus' play group. But the kids still talk to their friends online. And they're still working on school same as always. 

Anyway, here's the husband and #2 Son and the other scouts hiking up Mt Kenya, the week before it all went pear shaped!