Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Life Happens

Originally Written in May 2019

I was showing my 17 yr old how to create a blog and pulled this up as an example. Whoopsie Daisies! I haven't posted here since 2014.

Again, not like anyone really reads this, but hey! If I tried harder, maybe people would. I'm pretty sure that not posting leads to dead blogs, and posting regularly leads to not dead blogs.

Anyway, in the last 5 years we've moved away from the middle of the US to Africa - Huzzah! So I had to change the title of my blog since I'm not living in America right now.

I've thought about the blog a LOT lately because I deal with a lot of cross-cultural things around here. We blend into East African life here because of my being Malaysian on the Inside. There's a lot of cross-over here. This, of course, makes me more comfortable with the culture here than I ever was in the regular 'ole US of A.

My only excuse is that we ended up having a fifth kid, retiring from the Air Force, becoming Lutheran Missionaries, and moving to Kenya in the last 5 years.

Interestingly this has given me more fodder for this blog.

We are once again living the expat life, and loving it.

Now posting in April 2020

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